tänane testike

Your Energy Level is Low

Although you may have enough energy to survive, you probably wish you had more energy.
You feel tired throughout the day, and you wish you had the physical resources to do more.
You may just be a person with naturally low energy. Pushing yourself just makes things worse.
Make sure to eat well, avoid stress, and get plenty of rest. Taking care of yourself will make the most of the energy you’ve got.

ei midagi üllatavat, läheb täpselt kokku mu enesetundega. ellu suudan jääda, pushimist ei talu, kogu aeg (absoluutselt kogu aeg) olen väsinud.
ainus, millega ma nõus pole, on see, et mul ongi vähe energiat. ma lihtsalt tean, et see ei ole ju nii.