pandeemiaplaani näidis
väga põhjalik pandeemiaplaani koostamise juhis firmadele, 106 lk, näidised, blanketid
väga põhjalik pandeemiaplaani koostamise juhis firmadele, 106 lk, näidised, blanketid
(sügab kukalt)
uudistes on täielik vaikus, nagu oleks igal pool nii kaunis kevad nagu Eestis :)
ja siis avaldab New Yorgi börs pandeemiajuhendi oma liikmetele .. müstika :O
NYSE Information Memo Number 06-30
NEW YORK, April 27, 2006 – A simulated influenza pandemic conducted by the World Economic Forum and Booz Allen Hamilton found that a widespread outbreak of avian flu would severely challenge governments and the private sector to manage essential services, limit the spread of the pandemic and communicate essential information.
Nabarro järeldus simulatsioonist: ükski infra-süsteem ei kesta praeguse seisuga üle 28 päeva..
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Appendix 1.2. The Global Implications of an Avian Flu Pandemic (pdf, lk.64)
pikk jutt, kopeerida ei viitsi, aga asjalik ja ratsionaalne tekst :)
ühe ettevõtte tehtud pandeemiaplaan omale ja oma töötajatele
hästi ratsionaalne, selge, konkreetne .. üks paremaid, mida ma näinud olen igatahes :)
Personal Protection and Home Management
This section provides practical advice for routine behaviors in day-to-day life. The information contained here will educate you and your family on the best way to protect yourself from contracting diseases such as colds and flu, which are transmitted through casual contact. Many of the recommendations can be implemented immediately, and some are meant to be used in the worst case scenario of an avian influenza pandemic outbreak.Protecting Microbix Employees
Microbix is taking a proactive approach to prevent the spread of influenza in the workplace and to protect its employees and their families against flu at home and in public places. This document is based on common sense, which is often overlooked due to habitual behavior.By developing this policy Microbix is providing its employees with information they can use to reduce their exposure to the flu. In addition the plan advises them to be prepared for possible extended periods of interruption of access to goods and services generally taken for granted, such as grocery items, supply of electricity, water etc, due to illness, layoffs or fear.
No one can predict the response of the general public during an outbreak so we are preparing for a worst-case scenario.
Protect yourself and your family
Examples of Day-to-Day High Risk Behavior and Steps You Can Take to Mitigate Your Risk of Infection
Microbix Pandemic Response ToolKit
Managing Our Business
kindlustusfirmade pandeemiaks-ettevalmistatuse-uuring ja intervjuu ühe kindlustusfirma asepresidendiga
uuringus ma ei leidnud pealiskaudsel lugemisel midagi eriti põnevat :D
aga vat see intervjuu oli HUVITAV :O
vau, vau!
konkurentsitult põhjalikem ja eeskujulikem firma pandeemia-tegevuskava, mida ma olen näinud
soovitan SOOJALT eeskuju võtta :))
täpsed juhendid töötajatele, foorisüsteem jne
mis mind päris üllatas oli see, et Kollane Tuli rakendus neil juba siis, kui gripis linnud USAsse jõuavad :O
see teema vajab siis ülevaatamist .. ametlikult igal pool muidu kinnitatakse, et gripis metslinnud tavainimese elu eriti ei sega, ainult oht linnukasvatajatele .. huvitav, huuuuvitav :O :O :O
miks ma olen jälginud ka suurte kindlustusfirmade tegevust on just see, et kindlustusfirmades on parimad riskihindajad, omavad parimat infot riskide kohta, ja nad on konservatiivsed ja põhjalikud
Special Report: Avian Flu and Insurers
Part 1: Is Your Company Prepared?
Part 2: Conversation with a Medical DirectorAvian Flu: Is Your Company Prepared?
With the rapid spread of the deadly H5N1 strain of avian (bird) flu from Asia to Europe in the last few months, governments and businesses around the globe have begun devising contingency plans so that their business could continue to function if the virus were to cause a pandemic. Five insurers recently participated in a LOMA survey that asked them to explain the status of their contingency plans and what steps they’re taking to prepare for the worst. Here’s what they had to say.
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90 lk väga põhjalik juhend firmadele pandeemiaplaanide tegemiseks
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters - Canada’s largest trade and industry association
Preparing for the PandemicAs a nation, we can’t afford to be unprepared! ... “CME’s guide equips all Canadian business with tools and information to minimize the risk that influenza pandemic poses to the health and safety of employees, the continuity of business operations and the bottom line.”
... Canada’s economy could suffer by as much as $60 billion due to a pandemic outbreak – even more if the Canada-US border were to experience serious difficulties.
To download a copy of CME's - Influenza Pandemic: Continuity Planning for Canadian Business
külm investeerimisanalüüs pandeemia võimalikest mõjudest majandusele
kel aktsiatega pistmist - lugemine kohustuslik! :)
Citygroup: Avian Flu - Science, Scenarios and Stock Ideas
allapoole panen mõned üldisemad lõigud
ettevõtte pandeemiaplaani vajalikkuse põhjendus ning selgitus, kuidas koostada
White paper: Avian flu and continuity management
lisatud on ka exceli tabel, mis võimaldab oma pandeemiaplaani auditeerida
haa - uus biznizidee audiitorfirmadele? ;)
inimeste käitumine on ju etteprognoositav .. :)
Avian flu and business continuity
By Tim Armit
Published UK statistics estimate that if an outbreak of avian flu occurs, there will be at worst a 25 per cent infection rate in each area impacted. The infection will then spread across the country, affecting each person who contracts it for about eight days. As such, in a family of four, if one falls ill on day one, the next on day two and so on, the last will recover on day 12. So we could expect every member of such a family to be away from work for 50 per cent longer than the expected infection time.But even with 50 per cent of their staff unable to work, most businesses would be able to cope. Although an avian flu outbreak would be likely to affect large areas of the country, for businesses, it is already within scope of existing contingency plans.
Mercer’s white paper The Emerging Global Pandemic: Human Resource Implications link
vt seal veidi allpool, pdf kujul, ainult 20 lk kokku :)
üks järjekordne ülevaade võimalikust pandeemiast, aga kirjutatud lihtsas (inglise :D) keeles ning suunatud ettevõtetele, mida peaks arvestama pandeemiaplaanide koostamisel
tundus enamvähem asjalik igatahes :)
kui oled ettevõtja/juhtivtöötaja ja sinu firma tooted/teenused on inimestele vajalikud,
palun, leia see viis minutit ja loe see jutt läbi, pliiz ..
teistele pakuks ehk huvi eeskätt lk 9-11, pandeemia mõjust majandusele - sh ka tarbijatele
kopida kahjuks ei õnnestunud
An Analysis of the Potential Impact of the H5N1 Avian Flu Virus
- Wholesale and Retail Grocery and Foodservice Industry - link
kes peaks sellelt alalt olema, kas siis omanikuna või töötajana - lugege läbi!
kui keegi veel siiani on kahelnud, kas on mõtet mingeid varusid soetada, siis peale selle raporti läbilugemist ta selles ilmselt ei kahtle :DDD
teistele kopin allapoole mõned olulisemad lõigud, kui tarbijatele ..
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Stocks Fall After Bird Flu Strain Detection link
By ELLEN SIMON AP Business Writer
NEW YORK Feb 7, 2006 (AP)— Stocks turned lower Tuesday after Hong Kong authorities said they suspected two birds that died in the area were infected with a deadly strain of the bird flu virus.Nervous investors have been fearing news of a bird flu pandemic, which has potential to send affected economies grinding to a halt and stymie international trade. The news comes at a time when Wall Street is especially nervous about what it calls "the geopolitical situation," which includes Iran's nuclear program and unrest in oil-rich Nigeria.
kokkuvõttes: võrreldav depressioon majanduses 1930.aastatega, paljude majandusharude kokkukukkumine, kaos finantsturgudel, intressimäärade tõus, kinnisvarahindade tugev langus, etc.
lühidalt eesti keeles: UK firmad valmistuvad pandeemiaks ja teevad oma hädaolukorra-plaane. Suurematest firmadest on 80% pandeemiaplaan olemas, arvestusega, et töötajatest puudub 25%.
Huvitav kui suurel osal Eesti firmadest on olemas Oma Pandeemiaplaan? :D
Peamiseks kavaks on kõik töötajad, kel võimalik, panna töötama kodust, kasutades internetti ja videokonverentsi (mis töötab muidugi vaid niikaua, kuni seisab püsti internet), klienditeenindajatele anda isikukaitsevahendid ning tõhustada hügieeniprotseduure.
Pandemic Flu Could Cause Breakdown of Drug-Supply Chain[Jan 12, 2006]
The Wall Street Journal on Thursday examined how the drug-supply chain is "almost certain to break" in the event of a flu pandemic, which could cause the closing of drug factories and truck routes and lead to shortages of important medicines -- "quite apart from any shortages of medicine to treat the flu itself." The "very rules of capitalism that make the U.S. an ultra-efficient marketplace also make it exceptionally vulnerable in a pandemic," the Journal reports.
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