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viieastmeline aktsepteerimistee

oli cureventsis arutelu teemal, et kuidas inimesed psühholoogiliselt suudavad aktsepteerida võimalust, et pandeemia on reaalne oht
üks kommentaar:

I think once I realized that a flu pandemic is a real possibility, I experienced the loss of a certain type of innocence. With that loss began a process of grieving, not unlike when someone dies.
I think we're all in various stages of grief.
As I understand it, the five typical stages are
1) Denial (most people we know are still here)
2) Anger (I'm guessing some soldiers in Iraq may be here soon)
3) Bargaining (PREPPING, busy, busy, busy... pretend control!!!!)
4) Depression
5) Acceptance

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