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h5n1 mutatsioonidest

väga segane värk igatahes :S

niipalju ma sain aru, et Vietnamis toimus muundus no 1, mis võimaldab viirusel ellu jääda 34 kraadi juures - mis olevat siis nina sisetemperatuur

ja Türgis on nüüd toimunud veel üks muundus, mis võimaldab efektiivsemat edasikanduvust, nii b2h kui h2h (linnult inimesele ja inimeselt inimesele)

siiani ongi vist üheks "probleemiks" tollel linnugripiviirusel olnud aeglane edasikandumisvõime, mis nüüd on lahendatud? ueh, oleks ainult veidi rohkem mõistust ja saaks sellest keemiast paremini aru ..


Mutation may make bird flu deadlier for humans
London | January 14, 2006 4:39:17 PM IST

Researchers from the WHO, who have sequenced the bird flu viruses that killed two people in Turkey recently, are worried over their findings that a mutated strain of one such virus has genetic make up that increases its chance of transferring to people.

According to them, this can make the H5N1 virus more adapted to humans than to birds, and more adapted to the nose and throat than to the lungs, thereby increasing the chances of bird flu being transmitted between people.

kommentaar sellele foorumist:

The change that allows H5N1 to grow at 34 C is PB2 E627K. This change was first reported in birds in the 16 sequences from Qinghai Lake. All reported wild bird sequences since Qinghai Lake have had E627K and it assume that the change is in all Turkey isolates. The Turkey isolate from Muhamet Kocigit is 99.5% homologous to Qinghai Lake isolates indicating it almost certainly has E627K.

The change that is new (but predicted in October) is HA S227N (also called S223N). This change allows H5N1 to more efficiently recognize human receptors on epithelial cells (lining respiratory tract). This change allows more efficient transmission to humans (and is not dependent on source - bird, B2H, or human, H2H). The size and numbers of clusters in Turkey suggests this change is in the birds, so now the H5N1 in Turkey has both HA S227N and PB2 E627K.

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